This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 314354.

Project Team

1. Coventry University – COVUNI

Professor Andree Woodcock
Leader of the Integrated Transport and Logistics Grand Challenge
Andree is responsible for the overall project administration and consortium management.
Coventry School of Art and Design
Email: A.Woodcock{@}coventry.ac.uk
Skype: andree.woodcock

Professor Nigel Berkeley
Director of the Applied Research Centre in Sustainable Regeneration
Nigel is leading WP3 which aims to produce the METPEX measurement instruments.
Email: n.berkeley{@}coventry.ac.uk

Jane Osmond
Centre of Excellence for Automotive and Product Design (CEPAD).
Research Assistant
Mobile: 0797 498 4725
Email: arx162{@}coventry.ac.uk

Sharon Cartwright
Business Development Support Office
Project management support
Mobile: 07974 98 4424
Email: scartwright{@}cad.coventry.ac.uk

Lily Hayward-Smith
Coventry School of Art and Design
Administrative support for Andree Woodcock
Tel: 02476 158364
Email: metpex.csad{@}coventry.ac.uk
2. Interactions Limited – INTR
3. Signosis Sprl – SIGNOSIS

Elena Tavlaki
Elena is leading the dissemination activities of METPEX project
Tel: +32 26 72 72 40
Fax: +32 26 42 00 43
Mobile: +32 473 11 12 70
email: elena{@}signosis.eu
Skype: elena.tavlaki

Dimitris Micharikopoulos
Senior Partner
Dimitris is a key person on dissemination strategy planning and implementation of METPEX project
Website: http://www.signosis.eu
Contact person : Mr Dimitris Micharikopoulos
Tel.: +32
Email: [email protected]
4. Instituto Tecnologico Del Embalaje, Transporte Y Logistica – ITENE
5. Zurcher Hochschule Fur Angewandte Wissenschaften – ZHAW

Dr. Merja Hoppe
Merja is leading the work on the impact of wider socio-economic and land use issues on accessibility and mobility in European regions in METPEX.
Tel.: +41 58 934 70 92
Fax: +41 58 935 70 92
7. Politecnico Di Torino – POLITO
Marco Diana
DIATI – Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructures Engineering
Marco is leading WP5, “Development of benchmarks and performance indicators”.
Tel. +39 011 090 5638
Fax +39 011 090 5699
Email: marco.diana{@}polito.it
8. Anaptyxiaki Grevenon-Anaptyxiaki Anonymi Etaireia OTA – ANGRE

Chrysoula Kritharioti
Department: European Programmes
Chrysoula contributes to WorkPackages 1,4,7& 8 for Development Agency of Grevena.
Tel: +30 24620 87380
Fax: +30 24620 87389
Mobile: +30 6977 259300
email: ck{@}angre.gr
Skype: chrysoula krithariot

Koletsou Evaggelia
Evaggelia is leading of the financials of METPEX project.
Financial Department of AnGre S.A.
Tel: +30 24620 87380
Fax: +30 24620 87389
Mobile: +32 473 11 12 70
email: [email protected]
9. Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan – KTH

Yusak O. Susilo
Department of Transport Science
Yusak is leading the survey design works (Task 2.3) and the trials of the tools in the demonstration sites (WP4)
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Teknikringen 10, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
Fax: +46(0)87907002
Email: Yusak.Susilo{@}abe.kth.se

Oded Cats
Department of Transport Science
Oded is involved in the survey design (Task 2.3) and the METPEX tool demonstration (WP4)
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Teknikringen 10, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
Fax: +46(0)87907002
Email: cats{@}kth.se
10. Integral Consulting R&D – INTECO

Dan Caraman
General Manager of Integral Consulting R&D
Partner Representative – Administrative/Legal & Financial.
Tel: +(40) 021 2100303
Fax: +(40) 021 2114589
email: dan.caraman{@}intgralconsulting.ro

Gabriela Rodica HRIN
Scientific Director of Integral Consulting R&D
Partner Representative – Scientific, Technical
Tel: +(40) 021 2100303
Fax: +(40) 021 2114589
email: rodica.hrin{@}intgralconsulting.ro

Lucian Emanuel Anghel
Technical Senior Expert
ITS Department of Integral Consulting R&D
Tel: +(40) 021 2100303
Fax: +(40) 021 2114589
email: lucian.anghel{@}intgralconsulting.ro
11. Federation Internationale De L’Automobile – FIA

Laurianne Krid
FIA Region I
Laurianne is in charge of bringing the touring and motoring clubs know how on passengers experience and contribute to the drafting of key criteria.
Tel: + 32 2282 0818
12. VTM-Consultores Em Engenharia E Planeamento LDA – VTM Consultores

Tiago Pimentel
VTM Consultores – Manager
Partner representative involved in WP3, WP5 and WP8
Tel: +351 214 159 600
Fax: +351 214 159 608
email: tiago.pimentel{@}vtm.pt

Andre Duarte
VTM Consultores – Analyst
Project technical support
Tel: +351 214 159 600
Fax: +351 214 159 608
email: andre.duarte{@}vtm.pt
13. Smart Continent LT UAB – JAREKS
14. F. K. Liotopoulos Kai SIA EE – SBOING

Dr. Fotis K. Liotopoulos
Founder & CEO, SBOING.net
Management, RTD
Dr. Fotis K. Liotopoulos is leading the development of the METPEX Tool on behalf of SBOING.
Tel.: +30-2310784608
Fax: +30-2310784608
cel.: +30-6936648656
email: liotop{@}sboing.net
skype: liotop (Fotis K. Liotopoulos)
URL: http://Liotopoulos.info
15. Tero Ltd
Stratos Arampatzis
Research projects
URL: www.tero.gr
16. Roma Servizi Per La Mobilita SRL – RSM