This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 314354.

Work Packages

The work plan has been structured around eight work packages (WP), each of them broken down into more specifically defined activities. The main work packages of the project are (apart from the management WP):

  • Work Package 2- Identification of quality and whole journey variables.
    WP2 will analyse existing research and measurement instruments and their usefulness, in measuring the passenger experience of the whole door-to-door passenger experience. Particular focus will be placed on excluded /transport poor groups who may face additional barriers to the use of transport, the journey to and around transport interchanges and on mixed mode journeys. The outcome of this WP will be a clear set of factors that need to be included in the measurement instruments.
  • Work Package 3- Development of METPEX measurement instruments.
    This work package will design, prototype, pilot and gain ethical clearance for the METPEX measurement instruments. These will comprise a mobile phone application, interview and focus group protocols, and on/off line questionnaires. In producing material the measurement tools in different formats and languages we hope to improve the inclusivity of the data gathering approach
  • Work Package 4- Trials of tools in demonstration sites.
    The measurement tools will be tested in 8 sites across EU, which have been chosen to represent the diversity of cities across Europe in terms of size, location, type of population, degree of association in previous projects, culture of inclusivity and progression and support of integrated, sustainable transport solutions.   This diversity will provide a test of the measurement instruments developed.
  • Work Package 5- Development of benchmarks and performance indicators.
    This work package will synthesize the results of the trials and work with policy makers /transport operators to develop a set of performance indicators for high quality, accessible transport.
  • Work Package 6- Assessment of wider socio economic and land use issues.
    Socio-economic developments as well as land use issues are main important factors affecting the accessibility and mobility in European regions. The transport needs of EU citizens are changing in response to work patterns, spatial and economic development, income and real estate prices as well as sustainability and discrimination legislation. WP6 will provide information on the relevance of these factors and lead to practical strategies to optimise the transport system aiming to provide a socially inclusive, environmentally sustainable and economic enabling accessibility.
  • Work Package 7- Dissemination and awareness.
    The definition and completion WP 7 will design and oversee delivery of a dissemination and awareness campaign aiming to the widespread adoption of the METPEX tools by research and wider stakeholder community (including transport and urban planners, operators and passenger groups.
  • Work Package 8- Evaluation, integration and strategy.
    WP8 will evaluate the success of the project in fulfilling its overall objectives, assess the impact the project has had on the eight trial sites, evaluate the extent to which improving the quality of the transport experience may lead to modal shift and how this approach can be transferred to maximise its impact on sustainability.