This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 314354.
Research Results
WP 2 _ Identification of quality and whole journey variables.
- Deliverable 2.1: Presentation of current methods and best practise in measuring the quality of the passenger experience. Presentation D.2.1
- Deliverable 2.2: Specification of journey types and critical stages where service quality may be an issue. Abstract D.2.2 and Presentation D.2.2
- Deliverable 2.3: Identification of user requirements concerning the definition of variables to be measured by the METPEX tool. Abstract D.2.3 and Presentation D.2.3
- Deliverable 2.4: Consolidation of user requirements, definition of variables to be measured by the METPEX tool. Abstract D2.4 and Presentation D.2.4
WP 3 _ Development of METPEX measurement instruments.
- Deliverable 3.1: Development of standard format for the measurement instruments. Abstract D.3.1 and Presentation D.3.1
WP 4 _ Trials of tools in demonstration sites.
- Deliverable 4.1: Report on survey and data collection processes at each location. D.4.1_abstract and D4.1 Presentation
WP 5 _ Development of benchmarks and performance indicators
- Deliverable 5.1: The METPEX tool in relation with the state of the art on transport indicators. D5.1_abstract and D5.1_presentation
- Deliverable 5.2: A comprehensive set of quality and accessibility indicators for transport services. D5.2_Abstract and Del.5.2_Presentation
- Deliverable 5.3: Testing the indicators and developing benchmarks. D5.3_Abstract and D5.3_Presentation
- Deliverable 5.4: A “Transport services quality and accessibility evaluation manual”. D5.4_Abstract and D5.4_Presentation
WP6_Assessment of wider socio economic and land use issues.
- Deliverable 6.2: Catalogue of classified land use types with relevance for accessibility. D6.2_abstract
- Deliverable 6.3: Specification of the method for classification of land use type in connection with accessibility. D6.3_abstract and D6.3_presentation
During the course of the project, the main research findings and outcomes will be made generally available through the METPEX website and will allow stakeholders to assess them and send their feedback.
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