This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 314354.
The validation of METPEX tool will be performed through the surveys; which are one of the main targets of the Consortium’s work. Precisely, the objective of the surveys, each one at one of the seven demonstration cities, is to test the METPEX measurement tools produced by the Consortium in demonstration sites, chosen for their variability of culture, transport system, climate, geographical locations and demographics.
The eight European cities, where their citizen are invited to answer the survey are: Bucharest, Coventry, Dublin, Grevena, Rome, Stockholm, Valencia and Vilnius.
The results will be used to understand the variability of users’ travel patterns and experiences across different countries and different socio-demographic groups of travellers, including ageing travellers and those with special needs. It will also provide matrices of problems in using the proposed tool for different countries, which will be an input for WP5 and WP6. The results will be used to provide feedback to municipalities and service providers in order to address the unique problems of each transport system.
The survey could be reached online here.
The Coventry University METPEX Survey flyer can be download here.