This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 314354.
METPEX Interview - Herr Tiago Pimentel, Manager VTM
METPEX Interview - Herr Francesco Bellini, Managing Director, Eurokleis
METPEX Interview - Dr Marco Diana, Politecno di Torino
METPEX Interview - Dr Alberto Castro Fernandez, Research Associate, Zurich University of Applied Sciences
METPEX Interview - Frau Ieva Markucevičiūtė, Expert, Smart Continent
METPEX Interview - Außerordentlicher Professor Yusak Susilo, Transport Analysis and Policy, KTH
METPEX Interview - Prof. Andree Woodcock, Coventry University, METPEX Coordinator
METPEX Interview - Herr Georgios Georgiadis, Civil Engineer-Transport Planner, TERO
METPEX Interview - Herr . Emilio Gonzalez Viosca, ITENE R&D Dept.
METPEX Interview - Dr Fotis Liotopoulos, CEO SBOING
METPEX Interview - Frau Chrysoula Kritharioti, Expert ANGRE